Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Human Trafficking Ans Smuggling In The United Nations Criminology Essay

Human Trafficking Ans Smuggling In The United Nations Criminology Essay Human trafficking and smuggling has been amongst the fastest increasing international crimes according to United Nations. The crimes entail different types of crimes running over different nations and involving an ever-increasing figure of victims (United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute, 1999). Human trafficking involves targeting the victims of human trafficking as objects of sexual abuse. The aim of human trafficking is for the trafficker to gain profitably by exploiting the victim. Fraud, coercion and use of force play an important role in human trafficking. It is sometimes not easy to establish the difference between smuggling and trafficking in the beginning stage. Trafficking in most cases engrosses an aspect of smuggling, particularly the passage through the border of a country. Human smuggling on the other hand involves the smoothening the progress of transportation, effort to transport or the illegitimate entry of a person or persons across an international border through contravention of one or more countries laws through deception like using of fraudulent travel documents. In most cases, smuggling is performed for the purpose of obtaining financial or material gains by the smuggler although the material gains are not essentially part of the crime. Smuggling of human beings is in most cases done with approval of the person who is smuggled often by paying a lot of money. Smuggled persons after being smuggled in their destination countries are left free by their smugglers. Human trafficking is a criminal activity and a relentless infringement of human rights that is of great worry worldwide. The overwhelming majority of the people trafficked include women and children. The United Nations describes trafficking in persons as the recruitment, transfer, transportation, harboring or receiving of people through use of threat or force or other methods of compulsion, kidnap, and trickery, or of the abuse of power or of a position of defenselessness or receiving payments or gains to acquire approval of a person to have control over another person for the purposes of exploitation. Human trafficking crime engrosses several different crimes spanning many nations and entailing a growing number of victims. According to, Stoeker, Shelley,(2005), human trafficking can be matched up to present day form of slavery. Theories supporting human trafficking According to (Nicola, 2009) the biological theory proposes that the male impulse of sex which is uncontrollable as theà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦for food or drink. Women and the other hand haveà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ sexual impulse.According to this theory, exchange for sex for payments provides an answer to the requirement for majority of men sexual outlet However, some writers claim that the theory is outdated since current studies has stressed the need for self control of sexual impulse and an vital role social and cultural issues in characterizing the male need for sexual impulse. The psychological-personality cluster of theories tries to give psychological explanation for the requirement of commercial sex thus favoring children and women trafficking to provide the services. The social theories also try to support the commercial sex trade by clarifying that, the attention of the sex industry is not independently driven by only the personalities involved but it is a product of the surrounding social and cultural context. The author of the theory clarifies that the demand for prostitution is a means of male bonding. Victims of human traffic are in most cases abused bodily and emotionally. Although, human trafficking is regularly believed as an international crime involving crossing of borders, the crime can also occur within the country where victims are trafficked within their own countries. Where human trafficking takes place within the country, traffickers in most cases transport victims between locations within the same country and sell them to other human trafficking organizations. While differences exist between human trafficking and human smuggling, the fundamental issues that contribute to the increased level of these crimes are in most cases the same. In general, lack of employment, extreme poverty, political uncertainty and civil unrest are the major factors that give rise to a condition that promote human trafficking and human smuggling. Human trafficking which is also the current form of slavery is a criminal act and an abuse of basic human rights such as right to dignity, right to freedom and right to equal protection of the law which affects every nation globally (Fisher Lab, 2010). Trafficking in humans is among the small number of crimes that is pursued from the victims side, with the aim of stopping of the crime, protection of the victims and trial of the traffickers. Humans are trafficked are for the purposes of labor and sexual exploitation while children are trafficked for purposes of misuse in begging and illegal activities and for taking away of organs. According to (Friman, Reich, 2007), human trafficking is closely associated with organized crime. Reports from Europol, suggest that the number of human traffic victims to Europe can reach a hundred thousand annually. Europol suggests that human trafficking is regarded as the second source of illegitimate money for organized crime. In 2005, the International Labor Organisation, predicted that the yearly profits gotten form human traffic and forced labor and sexual exploitation globally could reach 31000million dollars (Fisher Lab, 2010). Human trafficking is a profitable business and in areas such as Russia, Hong Kong and Eastern Europe trafficking in humans is controlled by large criminal groups. Nevertheless, the greater part of human trafficking is conducted by networks of smaller organizations that individually specialize in specific areas such as recruitment, transfer advertising and selling. This criminal business is very profitable since it requires small capital to start-up and chances of prosecution are rare (Mendelson, 2005). Victims of human trafficking are in most cases the most powerless and vulnerable persons in a given region. Majority of the victims originate from poorer families in which there are no economic activities and they are frequently ethnic marginalized persons and many are displaced people, runaways or refugees or can originate from any social background race and class. Human traffickers mostly target women in terrible conditions particularly for the sex industry. Traffickers in persons exploit the lack of prospects for economic activities, offer for jobs and employment opportunities or study then force their victims into prostitution. Women traffickers use agents and brokers to organize the travel and job placements for the women victims who are then accompanied and transported to the employers (Stoeker, Shelley, 2005). Ahead, arriving at their ends, the women come to understand that they had been deceived regarding the kind of work they had been promised to do as well as the monetary arrangements and find themselves in pressurized or abusive conditions from which fleeing is both risky and complicated. This forces such women to end up in prostitution as a source of survival (United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute, 1999). Children trafficking in most cases involve taking advantage of the childs parent due to intense poverty. The parents normally sell the children to traffickers so that they can manage to pay debts or gain income or they may be deceived regarding prospect of educating their children to get a better life. In West Africa, majority of the children who are trafficked have lost either both or one parent through AIDS. In addition, many male children and female ones are trafficked and trained to be soldiers. A study by United States Department of Justice of 2007-2008, indicated that over 30% of all human trafficked for that year were children who were forced into the sex industry (Fisher Lab, 2010). Size, Extent and Pattern of human trafficking The extent and size of human trafficking crimes remains unknown globally. Compared to other kinds of human abuses, trafficking in humans remains still underreported due to fear and shame of the victims. Majority of human trafficking occurs in regions associated with extreme poverty as a result of war or destruction of economy. According to,( Fisher Lab, 2010), in the outcome of economic destruction and fall of Soviet Union, many of the Balkan countries became countries of origin, who supplied desirable women for sex trafficking in the Mediterranean and European states. As a result of the illegitimate nature of human trafficking and the different methods used the extent remains unclear. According to, USA, State Department, report approximately half a million women and children are smuggled across international borders every year. The report also depicts that many of the transnational victims are trafficked for use in commercial sex business. According to (Mendelson, 2005), there was a rapid increase in prostitution in Bosnia, Cambodia and Kosovo, after the moving in of NATO and United Nations peace keeping force in these nations. Mendelson, (2005), further argues that peace keeping forces had been associated with forced prostitution and human trafficking. Supporters of peacekeeping missions have maintained that the actions of a few individuals should not be use to lay the blame on many people who participate in the mission, although United Nations and NATO have been condemned for not taking the issue of forced prostitution associated to missions of peacekeeping with seriousness. Why the human trafficking crime is growing at high rate Human trafficking appears a less risky undertaking for criminals compared with trafficking of drugs or vehicles. According to (Stoecker Shelley, 2005), in Central European Countries and Russia, laws on drug trafficking have become stricter and the methods of reduced theft of automobiles have become more complicated. In addition, punishments for criminals of human trafficking are much softer than the laws regarding trafficking of drugs which are not in place in Russia. Even in countries where laws regarding human trafficking exist, such crimes are complicated to establish and accuse since of few victims consent to give evidence in court. According to, (United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute, 1999), in many countries the smuggling of persons is not effectively under control and stopped. This has because many Government border practices and policies, immigration, justice agencies and police mostly focus on the illegal aspects of migration while ignoring the side involved with organized criminal groups in the trafficking of human beings. As a result the most important target of control intercessions would be unlawful migrants but not the criminal groups occupied in human trafficking and exploitation. Moreover, majority of the countries also do not have effective policies planned to combat trafficking on persons. Many countries admit that their legislation do not offer up-to-date regulations to counter with human trafficking, especially activities carried out by international crime groups. Moreover, national policies do not offer effective tools with which to disintegrate organized crime structures and their international groupings and to cut their gain margins and frustrate their efforts to expand their supply. Inquiry of higher level of administration of organized criminal groups involved in human trafficking in most cases lacks the necessary associations to strategies against bribery and corruption. In addition many countries, lack the capacity to respond to human trafficking. The main reasons include; inadequate laws regarding human trafficking, lack of judicial proficiency in that sector and lack of adequate cooperation between government enforcement agencies criminal justice and other relevant institutions like immigration and border control agencies. At international platform, the structure for collaboration among law enforcement and official of justice of various countries may not be existing or may not be satisfactory resulting to ineffective inquiry, assessment and settlement of cases associated with human trafficking. Persons who have become victims of human trafficking might in many cases lose more than they gain when collaborating with the justice system. In many countries victims of human trafficking regarded the ones responsible for illegal acts instead being victims of human trafficking and are in most cases prosecuted for infringing the immigration laws prostitution or statutory offences that are lawfully regarded as indecent behavior. Lack of sufficient victim and witness protection programmes might lessen the success of inquiry and hearing and court hearings of such cases. Destination, transit and countries of origin of human traffic victims A common misunderstanding has been that human trafficking occurs in deprived countries. Almost every country in the world is occupied in secretive profitable human trafficking business. The source is the country from which person are trafficked and is usually depicted as destitute and might have been weakened by war, natural disasters or corruption. According to (Fisher Lab, 2010) some of the source nations include Guatemala, Nepal, Nigeria and the former countries of Soviet Union and many more. A transit nation describes the temporally stop where trafficked victims are temporary stopped on their journey to the country of enslavement and the destination nation refers to the country where trafficked humans end up. The destination countries for human traffic victims are normally wealthy nations since they need to have enough income to purchase the trafficked victims. Among the renowned destination countries include, Japan, India United States and Western Europe. The smuggling of immigrants and human trafficking has increased worldwide in the recent years, as a result of the process of globalization and other factors. Trafficking in humans has been growing tremendously due top the participation of groups involved in organized crimes. The smuggling of immigrants by organized crime groups interrupts with the procedures of immigration of destination nations and in most cases entails abuses of human rights. The exploitative manner of treatment of human trafficking victims in most cases accounts a new form of slavery. Sexual exploitation and trafficking in persons According to (Kroft Greene, 2009), there has been no specific agreed definition of trafficking of persons for sexual exploitation. The term is used to refer to movement of persons particularly women usually between countries and within countries for sexual work using physical force or oppression through forced debt. Nevertheless, the issue become controversial when the victims are willing involved in prostitution. Sexual trafficking encompasses forcing an immigrant into sexual act condition or agreement for the immigration. Trafficking people for sexual purposes entails use of physical force, dishonesty, and oppression incurred through forced debt. Women and children who are victims of human trafficking are in most cases promised domestic jobs or jobs in service sector but instead find themselves taken to brothels while their travel document have been seized. Women and children victims of human trafficking might be beaten or locked up and guaranteed they would get their freedom back through prostitution as the purchase price together with their visa and air ticket. According to, (Friman Reich, 2007), the reasons why women and sometimes underage, children agree to offers from human traffickers is to get better financial opportunities for themselves and their families. In many circumstances the human trafficker in the beginning offers a genuine job or the assurance of a chance to further the studies. The majority of the jobs offered are in hotel industry or in bars and clubs. In other cases human traffickers use marriage, bullying, threats or taking hostage as means of obtaining their women victims. In most cases many women victims of human trafficking end up in prostitution while some of the migrating prostitutes get involved in trafficking of humans. Human trafficking for sexual uses involves a business deal of contributions services and items (Friman Reich, 2007). The terms of exchange and elements involved in the transaction displays the form of connection that exists and the economic system in which the deal takes place. In traditional societys financial system, women were sold as gifts to create alliances and to make peace and ensure hereditary was continuous. In market financial systems women are viewed to offer monetary benefits to the human traffickers who maximize their profits by being in charge of the exchange process. According to (Friman Reich, 2007), sale of sexual services contributed to high increase of women trafficking particularly in Central Europe in the era of economic recession which has had high unemployment level. All over the poorest nations of Central and Eastern Europe and, majority of the women have admitted taking the risk of being trafficked instead of remaining in their own counties where there are high levels of poverty and unemployment. In unstable economies, with limited job availabilities, many unskilled women have found an incentive by selling their sexual services and for human traffickers to organize the sector. According to (Friman Reich, 2007), women in poor nations of Central and Eastern Europe involve themselves, in prostitution since for some it is the only way for them to access international and regional job offers.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Humans and Nature: The Sad Truth about the Relationship between Humans

Since the shift into the Holocene era with the rise of sedentism throughout various millenniums across six continents to present day human ingenuity, respect and attention towards the site gradually declined as technologies advanced human capability and chances of survival. Digging deep in time back to the ancestral hunter-gathering tribes of southwestern France in the Caves of Lascaux, where the site was the structure itself, shifting towards the Anasazi of Mesa Verde who created a structure utilizing the site, finally ending with modern day commercial chain buildings stamped onto landscape with neither respect nor consideration of natural landform and the grim outlook for the city of New Orleans, these sites offer insight to the nulling of human reverence to Earth as technology replaces the necessity for natural provisions. Evolution among ideas and communities both on a communal and global scale show the rising ignorance of Earth throughout history. Although co ntemporary sites break from this shift towards a product over placement, the overall generalization of architecture must recognize this change to shed light for a future of reinvesting in the earth’s protection and prolonging of humanity. Rewind the historical clock 19,000 years ago when anatomically correct, coherent humans first set out to alter the natural world’s many caverns and crevices such as in the Caves of Lascaux. In Paleolithic times when the formation of complex languages and cognitive skills replaced instinctive traits of nourishment, shelter, and procreation, so too did the formation of non-domestic ancestral sites. Archeologically, structures in prehistoric sites are either debunked as domestic or non-domestic, usually associating... ...history. Hurricane Katrina acts as a message to humanity across the globe, architecture must recognize this numbness and utilize the features of the Earth to rekindle light for a future within Earth’s protection and prolonging of humanity. Works Cited Ingersoll, Kostof. . World Architecture, A Cross-Cultural History. New York: Oxford University Press, USA, 2013. print. Varien, M. . Sedentism and Mobility in a Social Landscape: Mesa Verde & Beyond. Arizona: The University of Arizona Press, USA, 1999. print. Venturi et al. . LEARNING FROM LAS VEGAS: THE FORGO'rI'EN SYMBOUSM OF ARCHITECTURAL FORM. Massachusetts: The MIT Press, USA, 2013. print. Williams, R. . Keywords, a vocabulary of culture and society. New York: Oxford University Press, USA, 1976. print. 1 The Citation referring to Brush and Turner comes from a cited source in Varien, M’s book.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Promote learning and development Essay

Understand the purpose and requirements of the areas of learning and development in the relevant early years framework 1.1. Explain each of the areas of learning and development and how these are interdependent. Personal, social and Emotional Development Children must be provided with experiences and support which will help them to develop a positive sense of themselves and of others; respect for others; social skills; and a positive disposition to learn. Providers must ensure support for children’s emotional well-being to help them to know themselves and what they can do. Communication, Language and Literacy Children’s learning and competence in communicating, speaking and listening, being read to and beginning to read and write must be supported and extended. They must be provided with opportunity and encouragement to use their skills in a range of situations and for a range of purposes, and be supported in developing the confidence and disposition to do so. Problem solving, Reasoning and Numeracy Children must be supported in developing their understanding of Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy in a broad range of contexts in which they can explore, enjoy, learn, practise and talk about their developing understanding. They must be provided with opportunities to practise and extend their skills in these areas and to gain confidence and competence in their use. Knowledge and understanding of the world Children must be supported in developing the knowledge, skills and understanding that help them to make sense of the world. Their learning must be supported through offering opportunities for them to use a range of tools safely; encounter creatures, people, plants and objects in their natural environments and in real-life situations; undertake practical ‘experiments’; and work with a range of materials. Physical Development The physical development of babies and young children must be encouraged through the provision of opportunities for them to be active and interactive and to improve their skills of coordination, control, manipulation and  movement. They must be supported in using all of their senses to learn about the world around them and to make connections between new information and what they already know. They must be supported in developing an understanding of the importance of physical activity and making healthy choices in relation to food. Creative Development Children’s creativity must be extended by the provision of support for their curiosity, exploration and play. They must be provided with opportunities to explore and share their thoughts, ideas and feelings, for example, through a variety of art, music, movement, dance, imaginative and role-play activities, mathematics, and design and technology. It is important to remember that these six areas of learning do not work in isolation but are in fact interlinked. Good quality activities will cover more than one area of development. For example, allowing children to access the outdoors will not only support their physical development, but encourage their communication and exploration of their environment. Where a child experiences a delay in one area, it is likely to limit their learning and development in the other five†¦a child with cerebral palsy who experiences hand-eye coordination difficulties is likely to find completing a puzzle difficult therefore hindering her problem solving, reasoning and numeracy. It is therefore vital that settings recognise each child’s individual needs and plan holistically in order to help children achieve their full potential across the six areas of learning. 1.2. Describe the documented outcomes for children that form part of the relevant early years framework. These are the goals and targets for children to meet throughout early years, for example communication language and literacy linking sounds. These are documented through observations that are carried out by their key person through day to day, which they then just to develop children’s development with carrying out different activities and adapting or changing them for an individual needs. 1.3. Explain how the documented outcomes are assessed and recorded. Planning for children’s development start’s with observations in order to find out the child’s previous knowledge, their interests and needs. There are many forms of observations that can be carried out to allow us to collate the evidence we need to plan appropriately for the individual child. Each method of observation has advantages and disadvantages of recording the child’s development, so it is important to use a variety of methods of observation for each child to gain holistic knowledge and understanding of the child’s development. In our workplace we do this when activities are taking place observations to see if the child is meeting their development with the six areas of learning and development and to see how they can help to maintain their learning and development. In our workplace we fill in forms regularly for each activity that meets the outcomes. We change activities regularly so children can progresss according to age. These forms are stored and accessed by keyworkers when doing a child’s progression plan. 2. Be able to plan work with children and support children’s participation in planning 2.1. Use different sources to plan work for an individual child or group of children. OBSERVATION 2.2. Engage effectively with children to encourage the child’s participation and involvement in planning their own learning and development activities. OBSERVATION 2.3. Support the planning cycle for children’s learning and development. OBSERVATION 3. Be able to promote children’s learning and development according to the requirements of the relevant early years framework. 3.1. Explain how practitioners promote children’s learning within the relevant early years framework. Practitioners promote children’s learning within the guidance of the EYFS by offering a balanced of child initiated and adult led play based activities, practitioners will use their own guidance on the age and stage of the child using their knowledge that they have on the children that they care for and decide on the correct balance, however we should realise the amount of time that is already taken up with adult led activities such as registration, lining up, snack time, circle time. We should ensure that the same balance should be applied outdoors as well as indoors. Child initiated means a child that engages on a self chosen activity and is allowed to play freely. The adult led activity is usually a group of children that participate w ith adult support, the activity is chosen by the adult. The  adult would have picked the time and the aspect of a particular topic. This could be sewing as a child originally needs help to achieve this and gradually the adult’s involvement will decrease in time. Organisation and management making sure that we provide opportunities to extend play for children, key worker system is in place for legal and responsibility of learning and development of each child, thinking about to the children use the space indoors/outdoors, observation and planning system which meets individual needs and interests. We have a very good balance of adult and child led play we try for a 50% we follow children’s interests by observations and asking the children what they would like in the planning and what activities they would like to do that day. Sensitive intervention is trying to intervene without disrupting or changing the focus on the play. Watching to see if the child wants you to participate or not, so enhancing play but not taking ownership of the play away from the child. Supporting and facilitating when you have a positive relationship with the children they will seek your help doing something like building dens they might need materials and resources or helping them reach their aim. Modelling when children watch an adult they might try to model that action by repeating actions, words or skills. Coaching children do and learn more when given encouragement and support of an adult by making a child feel confident they might try to do or develop something a little further this is linked to the Vygotsky theory (Core 3.1) of proximal development getting children to do something just outside their comfort range. 3.2. Prepare, set out and support activities and experiences that encourage learning and development in each area of the relevant early years framework. OBSERVATION 4. Be able to engage with children in activities and experiences that support their learning and development 4.1. Work alongside children, engaging with them in order to support their learning and development. OBSERVATION 4.2. Explain the importance of engaging with a child to support sustained shared thinking. Using a topic a child is really interested in can allow for sustained shared thinking it can be talking about something or doing something which encourages conversation like we have done planting with our  children this has really captured their imagination the children are talking about what they think seeds are going to grow into what happens as the plants grows, what might the plant produce. We are getting the children to reach conclusions, and explore concepts at a deeper level. The children are thinking about processes and are making connections to things they have already learnt and new information. Processing the information we have given them making them think. 4.3. Use language that is accurate and appropriate in order to support and extend children’s learning when undertaking activities OBSERVATION 5. Be able to review own practice in supporting the learning and development of children in their early years. 5.1. Reflect on own practice in supporting learning and development of children in their early years. OBSERVATION 5.2. Demonstrate how to use reflection to make changes in own practice. OBSERVATION Reflective account covering observations 2.1 2.3 5.1 and 5.2 While at work I organised an activity for all the children to do cooking. We were making fairy cakes. Before the activity the children chose what they wanted on their fairy cakes and went got this from the Tesco opposite our work. Some children got butter and icing and others got chocolate and smarties there was a variety if things that each children chose. To help the young people do the activity we printed a recipe sheet out and also a sheet with pictures for those young people who cannot read some children needed help with the activity more than others. The children did mixing with electric mixers and some used a whisk. We put the cakes in the oven for 20minutes we then waited for the Cakes to cool. We decorated them with the things we bought from Tesco the children had lots of fun. We have done this activity before  and after reflecting on this I think the children are getting better with mixing the cake mixture and decorating the cakes. If I was to do this again I would do everything the same but do it regularly so the children learn the step by step making of cakes.

Friday, January 3, 2020

History of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)

The Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) is a civil rights organization created in 1942 by white University of Chicago student George Houser and black student James Farmer. An affiliate of a group called the Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR), CORE became known for using nonviolence during the U.S Civil Rights Movement. The Congress of Racial Equality The Congress of Racial Equality was started by a racially mixed group of Chicago students in 1942. The organization adopted nonviolence as its guiding philosophy.James Farmer became the organization’s first national director in 1953, a position he held until 1966.CORE took part in a number of important civil rights efforts, including the Montgomery Bus Boycott, the Freedom Rides, and Freedom Summer.In 1964, white supremacists abducted and killed CORE workers Andrew Goodman, Michael Schwerner, and James Chaney. Their disappearance and murder made international headlines, primarily because Goodman and Schwerner were white men from the North.By the late 1960s, CORE had adopted a more militant approach to racial justice, leaving behind its earlier nonviolent ideology. One CORE activist, Bayard Rustin, would go on to work closely with the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. As King rose to fame in the 1950s, he worked with CORE on campaigns such as the Montgomery Bus Boycott. By the mid-1960s, however, CORE’s vision changed and it embraced the philosophy that would later be known as â€Å"black power.† In addition to Houser, Farmer, and Rustin, CORE’s leaders included the activists Bernice Fisher, James R. Robinson, and Homer Jack. The students had participated in FOR, a global organization influenced by Gandhi’s principles of nonviolence. Guided by an ideology based on peace and justice, CORE members in the 1940s took part in acts of civil disobedience, such as sit-ins to confront segregation in Chicago businesses.   Journey of Reconciliation In 1947, CORE members arranged a bus ride through different Southern states to challenge Jim Crow laws in light of a recent Supreme Court decision prohibiting segregation in interstate travel. This action, which they called the Journey of Reconciliation, became the blueprint for the famous 1961 Freedom Rides. For defying Jim Crow while traveling, CORE members were arrested, with two forced to work on a North Carolina chain gang.   Anti-lynching Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) button reads break the noose. The Frent Collection  /  Getty Images Montgomery Bus Boycott After the Montgomery Bus Boycott started on December 5, 1955, CORE members, led by national director Farmer, got involved in the effort to integrate buses in the Alabama city. They helped to spread the word about the mass action, inspired by activist Rosa Parks’ arrest for refusing to give up her seat to a white passenger. The group also sent members to take part in the boycott, which ended more than a year later on December 20, 1956. By the following October, the Rev. Martin Luther King was a member of CORE’s Advisory Committee. The Southern Christian Leadership Conference, co-founded by King, collaborated with CORE on a variety of initiatives over the next few years. These include efforts to integrate education through the Prayer Pilgrimage for Public Schools, the Voter Education Project, and the Chicago Campaign, during which King and other civil rights leaders unsuccessfully fought for fair housing in the city. CORE activists also led trainings in the South to teach young activists how to challenge racial discrimination through nonviolent means. The Freedom Rides Freedom Riders on a Greyhound bus sponsored by the Congress Of Racial Equality (CORE), sit on the ground outside the bus after it was set afire by a group of whites who met the group on arrival in Anniston, Alabama, May 14, 1961. Underwood Archives  /  Getty Images In 1961, CORE continued its efforts to integrate interstate bus travel by planning the Freedom Rides, during which white and black activists rode on interstate buses together through the South. The Freedom Rides were met with more violence than the earlier Journey of Reconciliation. A white mob in Anniston, Alabama, firebombed a bus the Freedom Riders traveled on and beat the activists as they tried to escape. Despite the violence, the rides continued thanks to the combined efforts of CORE, the SCLC, and the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. On Sept. 22, 1961, the Interstate Commerce Commission prohibited segregation in interstate travel, in large part due to the efforts of the Freedom Riders. Voting Rights CORE not only worked to end racial segregation but also to help African Americans exercise their right to vote. Blacks who attempted to vote faced poll taxes, literacy tests, and other barriers to intimidate them. Blacks who rented housing from whites could even find themselves evicted for trying to vote. They also risked deadly retaliation for visiting the polls. Aware that African Americans would lack true power in the U.S. without registering to vote, CORE participated in 1964’s Freedom Summer, a campaign started by the SNCC with the goal of registering African Americans in Mississippi to vote and participate in the political process.   However, tragedy struck in June 1964, when three CORE workers—Andrew Goodman, Michael Schwerner, and James Chaney—went missing. The bodies of the men were later discovered. They had been abducted and murdered after being arrested and jailed for allegedly speeding. On August 4, 1964, the FBI found their bodies in a farm near Philadelphia, Mississippi, where they had been buried. Because Goodman and Schwerner were white and Northern, their disappearance had drawn national media attention. As authorities searched for their bodies, however, they found several slain black men whose disappearance had not garnered much notice beyond Mississippi. In 2005, a man named Edgar Ray Killen, who’d served as a Ku Klux Klan organizer, was convicted of manslaughter for the Goodman, Schwerner, Chaney killings. It is believed that several people conspired to abduct and kill the men, but the grand jury lacked the evidence to indict them. Killen was sentenced to 60 years in prison. He died on January 11, 2018 at the age of 92. The killings of the CORE activists marked a turning point for the group. Since it was founded, the civil rights organization had adopted the principles of nonviolence, but the brutality its membership had faced led some CORE  activists to question this philosophy. The growing skepticism toward nonviolence resulted in leadership changes in the group, with national director James Farmer resigning in 1966. He was replaced by Floyd McKissick, who embraced a militant approach to eradicating racism. During McKissick’s tenure, CORE focused on black empowerment and nationalism and distanced itself from its former pacifist ideology.   7/22/1966-New York, NY- Floyd B. McKissick, national director of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), carries a sign reading Black Power after joining a picket line in front of the Apollo Theater in Harlem. Bettmann / Getty Images CORE’s Legacy   CORE played a pivotal role during the civil rights struggle and influenced the movement’s most prominent leader, the Rev. Martin Luther King, to adopt nonviolence. Additionally, early CORE activist Bayard Rustin was one of King’s closest political advisors and the organizer of the March on Washington, where King delivered his famous â€Å"I Have a Dream Speech† in 1963. CORE co-sponsored the event which saw a turnout of more than 250,000 people. The efforts of CORE and its members are associated with a number of civil rights victories—from the Montgomery Bus Boycott to the Freedom Rides, in which a young Rep. John Lewis (D-Georgia) took part. CORE’s involvement with civil rights spans the entire movement and, as such, its contributions are firmly imprinted on the fight for racial justice. Although the Congress of Racial Equality still exists today, its influence has significantly faded since the Civil Rights Movement. Roy Innis, successor to Floyd M cKissick, served as the group’s national chairman until his death in 2017. Sources Congress of Racial Equality. â€Å"History of Core.†The Martin Luther King, Jr. Research and Education Institute. â€Å"Freedom Summer.†The Martin Luther King, Jr. Research and Education Institute. Congress of Racial Equality (CORE).PBS.org., â€Å"Murder in Mississippi.†